Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Turnberry Soup real or canned?

 Don junior was kicking around the old place the other day and said to me in passing "Daddy Daddy?"



 I sighed "Don, Don how many timez do I have to say to you it's Sir... sir, not Daddy?"

"Sir sir do we sell canned soup up there at Sunday brunch? It's much cheaper and I know how cheap and tacky you are!"



I sighed again " I would  you know... not many peopleaa know that but I would it's to dangerous though you know... Antifa Antifa the radical left would love it. Cans of soup... soup and they throw the cans of soup and when they get caught the say no this is just soup for my family. They throw the cans of soup that's better than a brick because you can't throw a brick it's to heavy. With a can of soup you can really put some power into that right? And then when they get caught the say no this is soup for my family they are so innocent.... err it's ineradicable and yet peopleaa coming over with bags of soup big bags of soup and they lay it on the ground and the anarchists take it and they start throwing it at our cops and our police and if that hits you it's worse than a brick cause it's got force. It's the perfect size, it's made perfect and when they get caught they say no this is just soup for my family and then they media says this is just soup these peopleaa are very very innocent they are innocent peopleaa these are just protesters isn't it wonderful to allow protesting? I don't like to use soup myself you know. It hurts my arm to throw it I just like law enforcement to hit people for me so I can pose with a Bible."

Friday, April 9, 2021

Turnberry Hotel Windmills

Many many peopleaa in my company administrayshzzizt say to me "Sir do you not worry about the Turnberry windmills reducing the value of your property by 75%"? 

 I'm not worried that's fake news spread by the radical left, why would I be? I'm worth billions and billion and billions, if it does reduce my value I'll hold a charity event and I'll make millions and millions. That's a good contingee plan don't you think? 

The good thing is those unwaving customers that have survived carranavirus and are count-hing on a tacky luxury vacation a last.... are to stupid to know the noise from the windmills causes cancer. Only a stable geniass like myself would know that the noise from those windmills cause cancer.

Not many people know this but the windmills are like a cemetery for birds we could put a little statue for those poor birds. Then again we could save money and serve those birds up for Sunday brunch. Just don't serve any bald eagles we will get the jail for five years for that it's terrible it's terrible.  If the bedbugs don't get my customers windmill cancer will.

And did you notice the font I used here is Georgia...  they like me in Georgia you know apart from 11.000 they must be Antifa.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Scump funds.

Now that funds are running low it's time to do the bigly fundraising scam... I needs the dolla. Now that covid is rounding the corner we're rounding the bend.  I think by August I'll be able to start fundraising again and use the money for myself,  not forgetting to inflate all my prices to get a wee bit more of that bigly beautiful dolla. I'll need to do it in Scotland because the fake news said in the states I had to pay my dolla back fake news fake news. It's going to be WILD.